The Holidays had arrive to my homeland...
Commerce booms at this time(usually), and the meaning of the day is becoming a myth more every year that passes...
The Ancient God of Fire teaches respect for other believes, and even I respect this time of year.
the temples of Jehova looses followers and those who chooses to be part of nothing, they become what they wish, NOTHING...
"Great" leaders decided to advertise themselves with "music" that not only entize people to kill themselves, but also to be agoistical shadows of something that they are not...
Their God will have to wait longer for the taking of souls, way longer...
So, Happy Birthday, Jehova, and I hope that your wishes come true...for your people's sake...
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Groundel's Cave
Days have passed
nothing interesting to tell
I'm alive and dwelling with my relatives
the Ancient God of Fire is working however
soon, changes will appear, good and bad
marcy to all souls near me...
nothing interesting to tell
I'm alive and dwelling with my relatives
the Ancient God of Fire is working however
soon, changes will appear, good and bad
marcy to all souls near me...
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Groundel's Cave
Well, the feds killed some guy that had an importance here in this little sitcom called Puerto Rico. The dude was like 50 something, was accused for stealing alot of money(around 7.5 million bucks), was involved in some killings as well, hated the USA, and believed in a free from what!!! And he became a martyr, a hero, an example to the puertorrican I get how reggaeton had become the national anthem of this crappy place. Now I see why Daddy Yankee got all those prizes at some event like the Oscar's shown in TV the other day...
Ancient God of Fire,
Release us from stupidity...PLEASE!!!!!
Ancient God of Fire,
Release us from stupidity...PLEASE!!!!!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Groundel's Cave
Groundel's Cave
Ancient God of Fire,
Give me the strengh to not get sick,
I have a job interview today,
I need the $$$,
Help Vierna get what she wants, please,
And let happiness come to us,
Whatever Fate gives us,
Asi sea!
Ancient God of Fire,
Give me the strengh to not get sick,
I have a job interview today,
I need the $$$,
Help Vierna get what she wants, please,
And let happiness come to us,
Whatever Fate gives us,
Asi sea!
Friday, August 26, 2005
Groundel's Cave
You Are 40% Weird |
![]() Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! |
In a Past Life... |
![]() You Were: A Diseased Magician. Where You Lived: Central Africa. How You Died: Hung for treason. |
Your Birthdate: July 25 |
Your birth on the 25th day of the month (7 energy) modifies your life path by giving you some special interest in technical, scientific, or other complex and often hard to understand subjects. You may become something of a perfectionist and a stickler for details. Your thinking is logical and intuitive, rational and responsible. Your feelings may run deep, but you are not very likely to let them show. This birthday makes you a more private person, more introspective and perhaps more inflexible. In friendships you are very cautious and reserved. You are probably inventive, and given to unique approaches and solutions. |
STEVE | ||
S | is for | Saucy |
T | is for | Tricky |
E | is for | Enthusiastic |
V | is for | Virile |
E | is for | Exuberant |
Your Stripper Name is: Trixie |
Your IQ Is 85 |
![]() Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Average Your General Knowledge is Below Average |
Your Rising Sign is Virgo |
![]() Well put-together and elegant, you sometimes seem standoffish. And truth be told, sometimes you do feel superior to those around you. A bit shy and introverted, you tend to stay quiet - even if you're feeling social. At parties, you can seem like you're very serious while you're having fun. You clever and ingenious, with an alert and active mind. Good at facts and figures, you excel at logical and mathematical tasks. |
Star Wars Horoscope for Leo |
![]() You add a whole new meaning to self-assurance. You are a nurturing person with great physical strength. Like many Leos, you will see that your mission for good is completed. You are very optimistic about the future. Star wars character you are most like: Princess Leia |
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Groundel's Cave
Last month was stressfull, but I'm OK.
Others are fine, hopefully. No words from Steven or Arturo, they're probably having a good time playing AD&D 3.5...(miss u guys)
I moved back w/ Vierna. Hopefully things will go good for us from now on...
Let's hope also that I find a job soon...or may the Great Ancient God of Fire consume me and turn me into ashes, so the wind take me far to my next life.
Last month was stressfull, but I'm OK.
Others are fine, hopefully. No words from Steven or Arturo, they're probably having a good time playing AD&D 3.5...(miss u guys)
I moved back w/ Vierna. Hopefully things will go good for us from now on...
Let's hope also that I find a job soon...or may the Great Ancient God of Fire consume me and turn me into ashes, so the wind take me far to my next life.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Groundel's Cave
Groundel's Cave
Saturday went w/ Vierna and Lightshadow to see Land of the Dead.
Tickets sold out, so rented movies.(Infection, and some other movies that sucked). Sunday stayed all day at home, wating for Monday.
Monday I'm at work. Probably see Vierna. I will try to be more respectul towards her since I was making comments about women(I don't remember the comments, but I will try). Sorry...
Saturday went w/ Vierna and Lightshadow to see Land of the Dead.
Tickets sold out, so rented movies.(Infection, and some other movies that sucked). Sunday stayed all day at home, wating for Monday.
Monday I'm at work. Probably see Vierna. I will try to be more respectul towards her since I was making comments about women(I don't remember the comments, but I will try). Sorry...
Monday, July 04, 2005
Groundel's Cave
Groundel's Cave
Being thinking latety like I haven't in years.
Trying to keep sanity these days. Keeping busy at work, walking like a vigilante at night(haven't rescue any women in distress). The Ancient God of Fire have no sign for me still... death perhaps may come to visit, but it will be so easy to leave, so no luck for you my lady death,
I will go on with my quest.
Being thinking latety like I haven't in years.
Trying to keep sanity these days. Keeping busy at work, walking like a vigilante at night(haven't rescue any women in distress). The Ancient God of Fire have no sign for me still... death perhaps may come to visit, but it will be so easy to leave, so no luck for you my lady death,
I will go on with my quest.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Groundel's Cave
Groundel's Cave
This month so far hasn't being so bad. Found some D&D players, and I am the DM. Still sick from Florida and Vierna is worst every day that passes. I went back to work with my previous employer, so far nothing there has change. My sister made the Honor Society cause she have a GPA of 4.0(Go Michi!!!). Lucinda's dog died today, so she was upset. My condolences. Cleo will be miss.
The kitties are fine, little rascals. So, I'm busy. Waiting for time to pass by as quick as possible. Let the Ancient God of Fire decides my fate. Let it be good o' ancient one!!!
This month so far hasn't being so bad. Found some D&D players, and I am the DM. Still sick from Florida and Vierna is worst every day that passes. I went back to work with my previous employer, so far nothing there has change. My sister made the Honor Society cause she have a GPA of 4.0(Go Michi!!!). Lucinda's dog died today, so she was upset. My condolences. Cleo will be miss.
The kitties are fine, little rascals. So, I'm busy. Waiting for time to pass by as quick as possible. Let the Ancient God of Fire decides my fate. Let it be good o' ancient one!!!
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Groundel's Cave
Groundel's Cave
We're back!!!
Back to the everyday-suck life. After 2 weeks of day-dreaming fantasy of being away w/ my family and Vierna. Probably the best 2 weeks in this year. I've been sick since last Thursday (the good thing is that it reminds me of why I got sick, and it was good), so I can't get out much. The kitties are happy now, behaving most of the time. I want to thank my aunt Vangie for her superb attention she had with me and Vierna, Michael as well (thanks for the movie and you know what, really need it), also thank my cousin Loxi for being my morning taxi (thanks for the McGridles cuz, you are the best), and my other aunt Miriam for being cool about getting surprised by me since she didnt know I was goin there (Kelsey's rocks!!!). Disney and Universal was awesome and EconoLodge kicks butt. (not compared to Quality Suites, anyway).
Anyway, I went to see my mother and sister yesterday and gave them what I got for them at Disney. They we're happy. They gave me an invitation from my cousin Frances which is in June 11, Vangie and Michael are coming.
Ok that's all folks!
We're back!!!
Back to the everyday-suck life. After 2 weeks of day-dreaming fantasy of being away w/ my family and Vierna. Probably the best 2 weeks in this year. I've been sick since last Thursday (the good thing is that it reminds me of why I got sick, and it was good), so I can't get out much. The kitties are happy now, behaving most of the time. I want to thank my aunt Vangie for her superb attention she had with me and Vierna, Michael as well (thanks for the movie and you know what, really need it), also thank my cousin Loxi for being my morning taxi (thanks for the McGridles cuz, you are the best), and my other aunt Miriam for being cool about getting surprised by me since she didnt know I was goin there (Kelsey's rocks!!!). Disney and Universal was awesome and EconoLodge kicks butt. (not compared to Quality Suites, anyway).
Anyway, I went to see my mother and sister yesterday and gave them what I got for them at Disney. They we're happy. They gave me an invitation from my cousin Frances which is in June 11, Vangie and Michael are coming.
Ok that's all folks!
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Groundel's Cave
Groundel's Cave
Thursday: Walk by the beach, went to the mall, saw Star Wars(no good), had dinner at O'Bradys, day over.
Friday: Went w/ my aunt to her doctor's appointment, had brunch at Denny's, got digital camera's card at Circuit City, when to Titusville to see my other aunt for the last time that I would be here, had lunch w/ them(full tank), went to my ancestor's grave to say "so long" (to the dead u don't say "Good bye"), heag back to Cocoa to rest a bit, at night my coisin Loxi and her friend picked me up for dinner and to go and see "House of Wax"(more like house of wack), got home around 1:00am, waited for someone to call but fell asleep. Day over.
Saturday: Just woke up, getting ready as I'm going to have breakfast somewhere w/ my aunt and uncle, don't know what to do until we go and get Vierna at the airport(late night), so, hopefully everything will turn out OK.
Let the Ancient God of Fire decides...
Thursday: Walk by the beach, went to the mall, saw Star Wars(no good), had dinner at O'Bradys, day over.
Friday: Went w/ my aunt to her doctor's appointment, had brunch at Denny's, got digital camera's card at Circuit City, when to Titusville to see my other aunt for the last time that I would be here, had lunch w/ them(full tank), went to my ancestor's grave to say "so long" (to the dead u don't say "Good bye"), heag back to Cocoa to rest a bit, at night my coisin Loxi and her friend picked me up for dinner and to go and see "House of Wax"(more like house of wack), got home around 1:00am, waited for someone to call but fell asleep. Day over.
Saturday: Just woke up, getting ready as I'm going to have breakfast somewhere w/ my aunt and uncle, don't know what to do until we go and get Vierna at the airport(late night), so, hopefully everything will turn out OK.
Let the Ancient God of Fire decides...
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Groundel's Cave
Groundel's Cave
I'm alive and well, the Fire God has protected me from harm all this days.
I've been goin around, looking at old and new things here. My cousin, Loxi the doppleganger drives me around in her vehicle. Went and saw my ancestor's grave and payed my respects. Well, I have to go.
I'm alive and well, the Fire God has protected me from harm all this days.
I've been goin around, looking at old and new things here. My cousin, Loxi the doppleganger drives me around in her vehicle. Went and saw my ancestor's grave and payed my respects. Well, I have to go.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Groundel's Cave
Groundel's Cave
Finally its over, this week that is.
In 3 days I will be in a plane heading to Orlando. To visit the rest of the family, take a break of PR bullshit, college, etc...
Hopefylly I will make it, if not, farewell...
Finally its over, this week that is.
In 3 days I will be in a plane heading to Orlando. To visit the rest of the family, take a break of PR bullshit, college, etc...
Hopefylly I will make it, if not, farewell...
Monday, April 18, 2005
Monday, March 21, 2005
I know. I am a lazy ass. I do not update this cave, I do not write anything at all... I do not even talk much on a daily basis... Silent One... Yup, that's me... Well... What to say? Nothing has been of great impact in my life lately... Doing what I do... Working... well, I resigned on January so I ca=ould study full time and get my stupid BA done. It's the 5th year, and I am tired of working as if I had no experience or no degree or blah... So... I'm studying full time, claning up the 3 litters at Kymill's place, taking care of the 8 mayhem-gods and make-believing people in the Sims non-stop... Yeah, I'm very hooked on the Sims... even Kymill is hooked on them, and that is a lot to say (she basically hates my guts when it comes to video games, she says I pay more attention to them than to her...).
Anyway... Been just chillin', allowing days to pass by until I graduate, trying to get a weekend job because week days are full, and helping anyone I can... My mom and sis are alive and well, Vangie is out there busy as usual, and Angela is coping with some bad news... Actually, we all are. I might try squeezing a small trip just because of it. We'll see...
This week I must do the laundry... BIG laundry... I had to take a pair of jeans that was not mine so I wouldn't run around naked! jaja... No school at all because its Holy Week.
Soon it will April... No, I have not forgotten your birthdate K., ok? LOL And I hope I can take summer courses to do what I need to do... GRADUATE! DAMNIT!
Anyway... Been just chillin', allowing days to pass by until I graduate, trying to get a weekend job because week days are full, and helping anyone I can... My mom and sis are alive and well, Vangie is out there busy as usual, and Angela is coping with some bad news... Actually, we all are. I might try squeezing a small trip just because of it. We'll see...
This week I must do the laundry... BIG laundry... I had to take a pair of jeans that was not mine so I wouldn't run around naked! jaja... No school at all because its Holy Week.
Soon it will April... No, I have not forgotten your birthdate K., ok? LOL And I hope I can take summer courses to do what I need to do... GRADUATE! DAMNIT!
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