Yup, just like weeds in a garden I'm back. It's been a looooong time from my last update... Cannot help it... First I am computer impaired, then my long stays at the local hotels does't help either... Let's see...
Celebrated one year since my very realistic half-foot amputation... Decided to be a bit zombifyed... It was fun. I was staying with the Witch and her Coven, and they dressed up as demonettes and pirates.
Stayed at the Witch's Coven and was forced to celebrate turkey day with her family... No comments. I'll do anything for Deedee.
Began a two month hospital stay at BellaVista. Not fun. Useless, and got a big bill to prove how bad is the service there!

Deedee was taken to a hospital because she had a respiratory arrest... X-mas was taken away by this... The Little Witch stayed a month at the San Antonio Hospital, then Two months a a half at the Pedatric Hospital in Rio Piedras, and the she was taken to the University Hospital at Newark. After a 4-month hospital stay, she went to her new home in time for celebrating her 8 months...
At Pediatric Hospital Rio Piedras Feb/2008
Newest news:
1) I began participating at my friends church. I've become a local "Marc Anthony" thanks to my manly man voice... I have also accepted God as my savior, for better or for worst.
2) My newest hospital stay, starting at April 2008's end. I hope that I get out this week... This really sucks...
3) Abducted... erm, adopted by a new father... Long story... May detail another time
All in all, this is a summary of what has been going on in my life. Some people are still around, obviously Vierna and Deedee and LightShadow... Raven comes and goes, Michael doesn't forget me, and Anthony & the Church crew lighten my spirits. Life is not a fairy tale, but I'm alive... and those who matter keep on in my life. So... That sums it up for now.