Saturday, October 08, 2005

Groundel's Cave

Days have passed
nothing interesting to tell
I'm alive and dwelling with my relatives
the Ancient God of Fire is working however
soon, changes will appear, good and bad
marcy to all souls near me...


Anonymous said...

The Week That Was
Insane. That's probably the best word I can use to describe this week. The second annual Web 2.0 conference has reached its close and while hanging out at the conference and " related events " the last few days ...
Find out how you can buy and sell anything, like things related to private road construction on interest free credit and pay back whenever you want! Exchange FREE ads on any topic, like private road construction!

Vierna said...

Youuuuu take the good, you take the bad, the mix it up and there yu have... the facts of life, the facts of lifeeeeee!

loved that show



Vierna said...

Ermmm... you posted your last post on my blog... Here it is, so its on your records o algo ;)

"this week went to beach.
Beach was closed, all three of them.
Got angry and sleepy on the way back.
Government In Puerto Rico sucks.
Ancient God of Fire
send all your wrath to him
and let him pay for his unsufficient ways
rid us from stupidity...
and make me a succesful orc."

and see? you have spam too and its not yummy. ewwwwwww!

gotta luv freedom