Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The salmon or the river...

It has been so far a good vacation. Yesterday, Vierna and I saw M.I.III(surpisingly good) and had some Coke with "Bollitos Rellenos"(someday I will tell you what it is). Today, Raven and I went to pay the cell bill and had breakfast at El Meson. I enjoy her company very well. Also vierna will finish the decoration for Kinder Graduation. Tomorrow, nothing planned. Friday, beach day at Guanica(fun). There is room for more mages and rouges to this mission...(LS, that means you!!!) Raven joined in as well as her younglings. Me, have done well so far... no worries...Vierna suggested for us to get back together. I love her*, but would I do good this time? I hope so. I like alot her company and the way she shows me love is unbelievable. So, AGF give me what ever it takes to make her happy. See you soon...

*sujeto a que me lleves a comer "Bollitos Rellenos" otra vez.


Maria said...

Mere, y que condicionando su amor a bollitos rellenos! Caramba! Hombres, HOMBRES!!!!! :P

Vierna said...

Hmmm... bollitos o no, WTF? No bollitos for you! You are grounded!


Then again, I can find a boyo for you. Zordak may be available...